
Accountants and bookkeepers all around the world work too many crazy long hours for too little reward. We want to change that. The accounting profession is a great profession with the ability to truly change peoples' lives.

The problem is...

...the old-fashioned way of pricing - pricing by the hour - means we suffer from low prices and low profitability.  We exist to help you overcome this problem.

Our reason for being is to provide accounting professionals around the world with the systems and education to implement value pricing so you:
  • get better prices,
  • win better clients enabling them to make more profit,
  • work less hard, and
  • do more valuable work with great clients who value you.

Meet the team

We are here to help you master value pricing and build a more profitable accounting or bookkeeping business.

Mark Wickersham FCA

Mark Wickersham FCA


Public speaker and author of the Amazon #1 best-selling book “Effective Pricing for Accountants” – is known as the most sought-after profit improvement expert in the accounting community.

Sarah Cross

Sarah Cross

Director of Operations
Co-author of "How to use exhibitions and conferences to win more business" - Sarah has a comprehensive knowledge of value pricing and how to apply it to the Effective Pricing software.
Emily Cross

Emily Cross

Director of Operations

Graduate of Manchester Metropolitan University in 2018 with a 1st class BA Honorary degree in English. She is a proficient writer and researcher and has been using her skills to create content for Mark Wickersham.

What others are saying

Effective Pricing evolved from Cloud Pricing 2.0. Effective Pricing started out life as Cloud Pricing but recently received a make-over, re-brand, simplification and a ton more features to make pricing more powerful.

Shelagh Brownlow

“The combination of this wonderful software tool, some massive mindset shifts about my own ability and worth to clients and listening to Mark's session on pricing Business Start Ups seem to have finally unblocked my inertia - happy days!”

Shelagh Brownlow

Brownlows Accountants

Kathryn Hanna

“This client had been doing their own bookkeeping and was totally overwhelmed and stressed out. They were so happy to pay me to take away that pain. Though to be honest I'm still not perfect, that means they probably would have paid more.”

Kathryn Hanna

Details Matter Bookkeeping

Sam Jarrett

“This is the first time I used the model I set up for financial management services. The client straight away went for the top package and I got about £1,100 more than I would have done if I wasn't using the system.


Sam Jarrett

Just Accountancy

Melissa Lenos

“I am so happy that I took the time and setup Effective Pricing. This is the first current client we used the software with and it was a WIN. They were happy when we ended the call as they are getting what they want and we are getting paid for what we are doing!”

Melissa Lenos

King Accounting Solutions Inc.

Teresa Slack

“Thank you, Effective Pricing for making the re-pricing meeting so much more effective! The customer is happy, we are happy and charging a price that better reflects the value of the work we are doing. Yay!“

Teresa Slack

Financly Bookkeeping Solutions

Carole Jackson

“By using the Effective Pricing software, I was able to really explain all the things that I needed to do and the client could really see the value. The "extras" were super valuable as he wanted some of these as well.”

Carole Jackson

Valued Business Accounting

Michele Bishop

“We reviewed our pricing structure and are charging clients for work we had previously completed FOC and also supplying software to make the process more efficient for all concerned.”

Michele Bishop

Bishop Jones

Phyllis Nachtigal

"I prepared a presentation, reviewed my Effective Pricing software several times making sure I had the right pricing for every scenario. Was ready for the presentation and they were so impressed - said yes right away!”

Phyllis Nachtigal

Nightingale Accounting Ltd

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